Title: Sexcape Room: Pile Up
Title Alternative: 하지 않으면 지워지는 방
Censorship: Yes
Original Language: Korean
Translation: English
Author or Artist: Dumangoon, MERUNA
Title Alternative: 하지 않으면 지워지는 방
Censorship: Yes
Original Language: Korean
Translation: English
Author or Artist: Dumangoon, MERUNA
Summary: Sexcape Room: Pile Up, Part 2 of the overall Sexcape Room series. “The second in the “Sexcape Room” series! Yujin is the new guy at work with a boss who harps on him constantly. It’s not that Eunjae is a horrible boss; she simply catches Yujin at his worst moments because his luck is horrible. In fact, he’s so unlucky that he ends up in a room that he can only escape if he has sex with Eunjae. Will Yujin’s luck and his relationship with his boss improve as they try to break out together?”.
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